Lze dát střídač Goodwe do Sleep Mode?Včera mi servisák plynového kotle řekl, že Goodwe střídač se dá na noc uspat, a pak bere místo 60W jen 2W. Přiznám se, že jsem tu nikde nic podobného nečetl. Hledal jsem to 15 minut googlem, nic jsem nenašel, a tak jsem se nakonec zeptal ChatGPT. Diskuse vypadala takto:
Can goodwe be put in sleep mode overnight?
Yes, Goodwe solar inverters can be put in sleep mode overnight. Sleep mode is a function that allows the inverter to shut down and conserve power when there is no solar energy being produced.
To enable sleep mode on a Goodwe inverter, you can follow these steps:
Connect to the inverter's Wi-Fi network using your smartphone or computer.
Open a web browser and enter the inverter's IP address to access its web interface.
Login with your credentials.
Navigate to the "System" tab and select "Power Management."
Under "Sleep Mode," select "Enable Sleep Mode."
Set the start time and end time for sleep mode according to your preferences.
Click "Save" to apply the changes.
Once sleep mode is enabled, the inverter will automatically shut down during the specified time period and conserve energy until it's time to wake up and start producing power again.
Přihlašovací okno se objevilo, zkusil jsem admin admin a byl tam. Ale záložka (tab) "System" tam není. Tak jsem se se zaptal znovu:
Thank you. What is freeware version that supports this feature? I managed to log in with credentials admin admin (username and password), but there is no "System" tab.
I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. Goodwe inverters do not have a sleep mode feature, and I was mistaken in my previous answer.
In addition, Goodwe does not offer any freeware version of their monitoring software that supports a sleep mode feature or allows access to advanced settings.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask.
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